Wigluv 100

The diffusible, single-sided and strongly adhesive tape is generally suitable for bonding abutments and joints where under-roof and facade plates are to be sealed.


Bulk Discounts 10 - 19 $89.45
Bulk Discounts 20 - 29 $88.45
Bulk Discounts 30 + $87.45

Siga Wigluv 100 weather sealing tape is a single-sided high-performance adhesive tape, which is perfectly suitable for permanent wind-tight sealing of roof insulating and facade boards on the outside. Combined with the high-performance primer Dockskin, Wigluv 100 and Wigluv 150 offer a unique solution for woodfibre boards, masonry, and base joints.

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Product Details

SKU 7510-10025 Category Tags ,

Additional information

Weight 2.78 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 4 in

Box, Individual


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